Saturday, February 17, 2018

News App of the Week – 25 Daily

If you want to stay on top of everything that’s going on in the world or to keep yourself entertained with the most trending topics and viral content, you should check out our News App of the Week. 25 Daily is a is one of the best ways to stay informed and engaged in top news stories, latest information and everything interesting on the Internet.
News from your favorite sources

25 Daily is the app that brings you the top 25 interesting, trending topics on the internet along with relevant news articles, stories, posts and more from the biggest media outlets in the world. 25 Daily has selection of news pieces, videos, and other content form the world biggest news sources including BBC, FOX, CCN, Washington Post and many more. On this app you can explore the top 25 trending topics from all around the internet with a swipe of a finger. Viral posts, GIFs, memes, videos and more will be available right on your screen within seconds.
Top 25 trending and viral posts from all around the web
Other than its relevant and trending news selection, 25 Daily will also on a daily basis present its users fun facts and interesting stories about fascinating historical events, anniversaries and births and deaths of famous and historical figures that happened on the current day. This is a fun way for users to learn something new and kill some boredom, while they are also staying informed about all current viral and trending happenings from all around the web. Sharing your favorite posts on other social media platforms or saving posts for later viewing is also available.
If you want to try out 25 Daily you can download it for free at the iTunes App Store.

App Store download link: 25 Daily