Tuesday, June 18, 2019

LawAJ is an Extremely Helpful App in Case of Car Accidents

Want to have a legal advice and information after you are an accident? Well continue reading, today we will speak about LawAJ – the legal help app created from the Anthony Janji A Professional Law Corporation to help you in case of an accident.

LawAJ App

Available for iOS & Android, the LawAJ app is a helpful tool in the unlucky case of a traffic accident or any other traffic problem. The app is created by the experienced team at Anthony Janji A Professional Law Corporation and gives you great options to react after an accident.


Once you open the app you can either call the 911 or call the team at AJPLC. Alternatively, you can collect all info you need after you are involved an auto accident. After you submit your report to the law firm, they will review and evaluate your case in order to provide best legal advises. You will receive your report on your email.

Another thing is that if you receive a ticket, you can submit the ticket within the app and their lawyers will fight the case for you. Note that the app is only for California and is available in 4 languages: English, Spanish, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplifies.
Try it for free and have it on your phone just in case of an auto accident or traffic ticket.

Google Play Download Link: LawAJ

App Store Download Link: LawAJ