iOS Game of the Month - Slug Buggy
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Do you remember the old fashioned games Slug Bug or Punch
Buggy? Well you will definitely adore this month’s Game of the Month – Slug Buggy.
This iOS game is resemblance of the retro game, but it is advanced and taken to
another level. It is unique because it utilizes the camera of the iPhone with
which you will capture all of those famous VW Bugs and slug bug your friends.
All you need to do in order to start playing is make a free
account. Then you can either challenge your friends to a one-one-one game to 15
or find other users of the app to play the game. The app includes bug hots
counter and you can see the bug shots counter of other people as well. The
photos include geo-tagging as well which is another great feature.
The app is neatly designed, stable, smooth and simply a joy
to play. It will make you nostalgic and remind you of the old times, but also
it can entertain anyone that loves unique iOS gaming. Get the app for free and
start counting the bugs in order to slug bug your friends or various people
from around the world.