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Social App of the Week – Paracle

Thursday, August 23, 2018

We have already reviewed the Paracle app the other day, but since we loved its rewarding system we just couldn’t help ourselves from sharing it again. This time as our iOS App of the Week! If you want to start getting rewarded for doing what you already do, such as liking and sharing photos, then this is the perfect app for you.

Earn points for liking & sharing your photos

So you decided you need to earn extra cash. As we said, with today’s mobile technology this is possible with apps like Paracle, that help its users earn money online in form of an e-Gift cards, which they can then use on buying whatever they want from the store they are meant for. With Paracle we can earn points simply by sharing and liking photos. After we set up our profile the app rewards us with 500 bonus points to get us started. Then all we need to do is share/like photos and view special adds. And the points start adding up quickly. As more followers are gathered, more points are earned, so anyone using Paracle must be consistent with posting and liking. For anyone who refer their friends to the app, Paracle gives out extra points.

Amazing rewards to choose from

Paracle have variety of rewards to choose frome. Most of them come in the form of e-Gift cards with varying price ranges (from $10 to $50 & more). This mean we can redeem our collected points for Amazon, Target, Starbucks, Walmart, H&M, Visa gift cards and many others! How we spend the points is our choice. If you’d like to buy yourself some new clothes opt for the H&M gift card, or if you are like us and can’t live without your Caramel Frappuccino go for the Starbucks one. We all know how much tastier coffee is when it’s free!

Paracle also offers special rewards for their verified users, so if you don’t want to miss out on any rewards make sure you get verified. This can be done within the app itself. So what do you think? Are you ready for this free way to make money? If the answer is yes, find and download Paracle for free at the App Store!

App Store Download Link: Paracle

Google Play Download Link: Paracle

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