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App Review - Gobi

Friday, April 8, 2016

Gobi is a new photo/video messaging app, think Snapchat but for groups (a functionality that has yet to exist within Snapchat). Gobi makes it possible for users to take spontaneous photos and videos to share within groups they create or join. Users are able to decide the duration of the contents availability. You are able to make groups of all sizes and choose the option whether to remain public or private. Users are able to view their personal images in the “my uploads” tab to see the traction their images have gotten

The app is simple and easy to navigate. All functionality options are presented at the home page. You can search groups, create groups, take a photo/video and view uploads easily from the tabs at the bottom. Gobi is a great way to interact with groups of friends, family, team’s companies you name it! Some users are using Gobi as a marketing tool, some use it interact with people and others just like to follow the different groups and upload images.

If you are looking for a fun new app to try that allows for group chatting and snapping give this a shot. Gobi is available for both iOS and Android free of charge.

Google Play Download Link: Gobi

App Store Download Link: Gobi  


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