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App Review – uTradia

Sunday, July 24, 2016

The concept of shopping and deals apps is few years old. Basically, since the introduction of the mobile operating systems like Android and iOS we’ve seen different apps offering deals and shops that promise discounts. 

However, although similar to that concept, today we will review you an app that is unique and can be extremely useful to anyone. We are talking about uTradia, app that was recently introduced on Google Play.

It is a shopping/business app that acts like a catalogue and deal app that wants to enhance the shopping experience and help you on the go. It includes shops and events that will show you the places that often offers deal. In that way it can save you money.

After you sign up, you can easily search for products and see which shops are offering it. When you find a shop you can directions within the app with the GPS sensor and maps. You can also contact the shops directly within the app and favorite the ones you like the most.

The app currently works only for Ghana, but expansion is planned. uTradia is an example of creativity and functionality. With the search feature and the ability to select and make a network of your favorite shops, you can really save lots of money. Get it for free on Google Play.

Google Play Download Link: uTradia


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